My names is Maggie McDonald and I'm a 16 yr old student. As it is the beginning of a new shiny year I decided it was the time for me to start a shiny new blog. Now I am very new to this blogging thing so you'll have to forgive me while I get into the swing of things ! So here goes!
Here is a sneak peek of what my sketchbook is looking like at the moment.. I am loving playing around with bold colours and different mediums being thrown together ! I have recently discovered how much the music I listen too effects the choices I make whilst painting/drawing/creating? (I don't really know what I'll call it ... Maybe doodling?)
As an example I did this collage whilst listening too and the likes of Tame Impala's upbeat groovy 'Feels like we only backwards' I feel like I made bolder bigger choices in colour and shapes.
Whereas this picture I started off listening to the amazing Lisa Mitchell's 'Wah Ha' and DD Dumbos 'I woke up covered in sand'. The colours were quiet, relaxed and subtle until I ended up adding the sparkling purple ! I don't really know what happened there ... I just had to add some glitter but let's blame it on a sudden song change .. Please
Whilst I was doing this doodling?( is this the right word .. Help me !) My very gorgeous little brother created his own version of this doodling also, inspired by what I was doing. Evidently he also likes a big splash of glitter! I must say he is a bit of a copy cat, even as I sit writing this he is sitting with his head on my knees I can tell you it is a very awkward position to be in even if a little flattering!
So there you go my first try at blogging ! I hope it is bearable and hopefully even the slightest bit enjoyable? So thank for bearing with whilst I embark on a new thing for the new year ! I hope everyone else's 2015 is going well and I wish you all the best ! xxx
These collages are so cool! They've definitely inspired me to start getting creative ! X